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Tariff and charges

Standard Monthly Charges

All monthly charges quoted are per calendar month or part thereof.

1st 18-months Thereafter (per month)
This is indicitive pricing based on the current CPI (Consumer Prive Index).
We will notify you of any price rises, or you can switch to one of our other tariffs.
upto 67Mb/s part-fibre broadband (including line rental) £29.99 £30.14
upto 67Mb/s Full-fibre broadband (broadband only - no phone) £ £0.00
upto 80Mb/s part-fibre broadband (no phone - SOGEA) £26.99 £29.06
upto 152Mb/s full-fibre broadband (broadband only - no phone) £27.99 £30.14
upto 523Mb/s full-fibre broadband (broadband only - no phone) £34.99 £37.68
upto 950Mb/s fill-fibre broadband (broadband only - no phone) £37.99 £40.91
Premium router Free Free

Standard UK calls

Cost in pence per minute and subject to a 10p call setup charge

DestinationAt all timesNotes (see below)
Calls to UK landlines starting 01, 02, 031p1
Calls to UK mobiles1p1

Other monthly charges

All monthly charges quoted are per calendar month or part thereof.

Extra ChargesMonthly ChargeDescription
Call Diversion£2Enables the user to have all calls diverted to another number - anywhere in the UK, most overseas destinations or to a mobile phone. Can have user controlled or network controlled versions
Call Waiting£2A gentle beep during a call alerts the user that another call is coming in
Call Barring£2Bars all outbound premium rate numbers.
Reminder Call£2Allows you to program your phone to ring at a certain time to act as an alarm call or reminder
Ring Back£2Allows you to press "5" on receipt of engaged tone to request a Ring Back from a line that is busy
Three Way Calling£2Allow users to speak to two people at the same time even if one is abroad
Caller DisplayFreeLets you see the telephone number of the person calling you provided you have the right equipment and they have not withheld their telephone number
Call Sign £2Provides you with a second number to your existing Telephone Number. When the Call Sign Number is dialled the telephone connected to the line will ring with a different ring tone
Call Minder£2Lets people leave a voice message when you are unable to answer
Call Minder Plus£3Our Enhanced answering service with remote access and the ability to record a personalised message
Call Divert£2Call Divert allows you to pick up a phone on the line you want to divert and enter a code to divert the calls to another number
Remote Call Forwarding£3If you cease service and take up service elsewhere, or have a line renumbered then Remote Call Forwarding (RCF) can be used to divert calls to an alternative number
Presentation Number (PSTN)£4Lets you send a specific number on outbound calls that is different from your real telephone number. (e.g. call centres send out a free phone number for callers to call back on)
Choose to Refuse£4Allows you to refuse incoming calls with no Caller Line Identity (CLI) or with a particular CLI
Anonymous Call Rejection£4Anonymous Call Rejection (ACR) allows you to block calls from people who have withheld their numbers
Call Redirect£15Recorded announcement to let callers know you have changed your number
Bypass Number£3A Bypass Number is a second phone number on your standard line, which bypasses any diversions or barring

Other one-off charges

Itemised paper bill£10If you request a paper copy of your monthly bill in addition to the online copy we will make available each month
Late payment£5If we are unable to collect your monthly charge on the due date using the card details you have given us
Phone number change£25If you need us to change your phone number
Home moveFreeThere is no connection fee applied when moving to your new property, however an early termination fee (of up to £100) may apply if moving within your minimum contract term
Router delivery charge£10If a replacement router is required (other than for a faulty replacement)
Replacement broadband router £50Other than for a faulty replacement. E.g. if needs to be replaced due to damage
Failure to return broadband router£50The router remains our property and must be returned if your broadband service is disconnected, or if we have sent you a replacement at your request
Broadband router returned in a damaged state (other than fair wear and tear)£50If the router is returned damaged
Connection £9.99One-off charge when we connect your service
Stopped line charge (Reconnection)£30If we stopped your line for non-payment and you would like it reconnected, then a reconnection charge applies
Missed engineer appointment charge£120If an engineer appointment is booked and you are not at home when the engineer arrives
Rejected engineer visit charge£120If an engineer appointment is booked and the engineer was not permitted to enter your property
Amend engineer connection appointment (prior to install)£15If an engineer appointment is booked and you subsequently request it to be changed
Late cancellation of engineer appointment£60If an engineer appointment is booked and you cancel it with less than 48 hours notice
Fault within customer premises - first hour charge £120Where you have requested an engineer visit and the fault was found to be within your property
Fault within customer premises - hourly charge (chargeable after the first hour)£52Where you have requested an engineer visit and the fault was found to be within your property
Customer requested service visit - phone socket relocation £130Having a phone socket moved within your property
Customer requested service visit - additional phone socket relocation£65Having a phone socked moved within your property
Special fault investigation £15

Other call prices

All prices are shown in pence per minute with a 10p call setup charge (unless otherwise stated); see notes column for details of setup charges on special call types

DestinationAt all timesNotes (see below)
Local / National
0800, 0808, 116freeCalls to freephone numbers starting 0800, 0808, 0500, 116
999, 112, 911freeCalls to emergency services, Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard
111, 119freeCalls to NHS and COVID help lines
101freeCalls to Police non-emergency
105freeCalls to power-cut information
Directory enquiriesProviders published cost + 20p per minutePlease refer to the provider of the 118 number you are calling for their costs.
084, 087, 09, 055, 056, 118 (scxx)10p per minute + Service ChargeThe call cost will be our Access Charge (10p per minute) plus the Service Charge of the company being called
Voice Text Service (180010) (nat)1p1
Voice Text Service (1800107) (mobt)1p1
Texts - (price shown per text)
Landline Sms (btsms)11p3
Afghanistan (afg)82p1
Afghanistan Mobile (afgm)118p1
Albania (alb)35p1
Albania Mobile (albm)71p1
Algeria (alg)35p1
Algeria Mobile (algm)71p1
American Samoa (asm)52p1
Andorra (and)20p1
Andorra Mobile (andm)56p1
Angola (ang)59p1
Angola Mobile (angm)95p1
Anguilla (angu)30p1
Anguilla Mobile (angum)66p1
Antarctica (anta)24p1
Antigua & Barbuda (ab)20p1
Antigua & Barbuda Mobile (abmo)56p1
Antilles (ant)19p2
Antilles Mobile (antm)19p2
Argentina (arg)20p1
Argentina Mobile (argm)56p1
Armenia (arm)59p1
Armenia Mobile (armm)95p1
Aruba (aru)47p1
Aruba Mobile (arum)83p1
Ascension Island (ascn)65p1
Australia (aus)19p1
Australia Mobile (ausm)46p1
Austria (ast)19p2
Austria Mobile (astm)19p2
Azerbaijan (aze)42p1
Azerbaijan Mobile (azem)78p1
Azores (azo)19p2
Bahamas (bhm)65p1
Bahamas Mobile (bhmm)65p1
Bahrain (brn)60p1
Bahrain Mobile (brnm)96p1
Bangladesh (ban)24p1
Bangladesh Mobile (banm)60p1
Barbados (bar)20p1
Barbados Mobile (barm)56p1
Belarus (blr)39p1
Belarus Mobile (blrm)75p1
Belgium (I S D N) (iblg)38p1
Belgium (blg)19p2
Belgium Mobile (blgm)19p2
Belize (blz)63p1
Belize Mobile (blzm)99p1
Benin (bnn)62p1
Benin Mobile (bnnm)98p1
Bermuda (bmd)20p1
Bermuda Mobile (bmdm)56p1
Bhutan (bhu)60p1
Bhutan Mobile (bhum)96p1
Bolivia (bol)70p1
Bolivia Mobile (bolm)106p1
Bosnia-Herzegovina (bh)29p1
Bosnia-Herzegovina Mobile (bhmo)65p1
Botswana (bot)30p1
Botswana Mobile (botm)66p1
Brazil (bra)25p1
Brazil Mobile (bram)61p1
Brunei (bd)45p1
Brunei Mobile (bdmo)83p1
Bulgaria (bul)19p2
Bulgaria Mobile (bulm)19p2
Burkina Faso (bf)59p1
Burkina Faso Mobile (bfmo)95p1
Burundi (bur)65p1
Burundi Mobile (burm)101p1
Cambodia (cmb)88p1
Cambodia Mobile (cmbm)124p1
Cameroon (cmr)60p1
Cameroon Mobile (cmrm)60p1
Canada (can)19p1
Canary Islands (cny)19p2
Cape Verde (cvi)101p1
Cayman Islands (cay)35p1
Cayman Islands Mobile (caym)35p1
Central African Republic (car)85p1
Chad (chd)88p1
Chile (chl)20p1
Chile Mobile (chlm)56p1
Chile Premium Rate (chlp)55p1
China (chn)19p1
China Mobile (chnm)51p1
Christmas Island (cmsi)19p1
Cocos Islands (coc)19p1
Colombia (col)30p1
Colombia Mobile (colm)66p1
Comoros (com)70p1
Comoros Mobile (comm)106p1
Congo (con)96p1
Congo Mobile (conm)132p1
Cook Islands (cki)82p1
Costa Rica (cr)47p1
Costa Rica Mobile (crmo)83p1
Croatia (cro)19p2
Croatia Mobile (crom)19p2
Cuba (cub)55p1
Cuba Mobile (cubm)91p1
Cyprus (I S D N) (icys)38p1
Cyprus (North) (cyn)20p1
Cyprus (North) Mobile (cynm)56p1
Cyprus (South) (cys)19p2
Cyprus Mobile (cysm)19p2
Czech Republic (I S D N) (iczr)38p1
Czech Republic (czr)19p2
Czech Republic Mobile (czrm)19p2
Côte D`Ivoire (cdi)83p1
Côte D`Ivoire Mobile (cdim)119p1
Dem Rep Of The Congo (zai)55p1
Dem Rep Of The Congo Mobile (zaim)91p1
Denmark (den)19p2
Denmark Mobile (denm)19p2
Denmark Premium Rate (denm)19p2
Diego Garcia (dg)19p2
Djibouti (dji)65p1
Djibouti Mobile (djim)101p1
Dominica (dom)53p1
Dominica Mobile (domm)89p1
Dominican Republic (dr)29p1
Dominican Republic Mobile (drmo)65p1
E M S Satellite System (ems)600p1
East Timor (et)55p1
East Timor Mobile (etmo)91p1
Ecuador (ecu)32p1
Ecuador Mobile (ecum)68p1
Egypt (egy)60p1
Egypt Mobile (egym)96p1
Eire (ire)19p2
Eire Mobile (irem)19p2
El Salvador (els)51p1
El Salvador Mobile (elsm)87p1
Equatorial Guinea (eqg)88p1
Equatorial Guinea Mobile (eqgm)124p1
Eritrea (eri)88p1
Eritrea Mobile (erim)124p1
Estonia (est)19p2
Estonia Mobile (estm)19p2
Ethiopia (eth)70p1
Ethiopia Mobile (ethm)106p1
Falkland Islands (fli)71p1
Faroe Islands (far)24p1
Faroe Islands Mobile (farm)60p1
Fiji Islands (fij)71p1
Fiji Mobile (fijm)107p1
Finland (fin)19p2
Finland Mobile (finm)19p2
Finland Premium Rate (finp)46p1
France (fra)19p2
France Mobile (fram)19p2
French Guiana (fgu)19p2
French Guiana Mobile (fgum)19p2
French Polynesia (fpo)65p1
French Polynesia Mobile (fpom)101p1
Gabon (gab)62p1
Gabon Mobile (gabm)98p1
Gambia (gam)45p1
Gambia Mobile (gamm)81p1
Georgia (geo)51p1
Georgia Mobile (geom)87p1
Germany (ger)19p2
Germany Mobile (germ)19p2
Germany Premium Rate (gerp)52p1
Ghana (gha)40p1
Ghana Mobile (gham)76p1
Gibraltar (gib)19p2
Gibraltar Mobile (gibm)19p2
Greece (I S D N) (igrc)19p2
Greece (grc)19p2
Greece Mobile (grcm)19p2
Greenland (grl)52p1
Greenland Mobile (grlm)88p1
Grenada (grn)20p1
Grenada Mobile (grnm)56p1
Guadeloupe (gud)19p2
Guadeloupe Mobile (gudm)19p2
Guam (guam)24p1
Guantanamo Bay (guan)41p1
Guatemala (gut)52p1
Guatemala Mobile (gutm)88p1
Guinea (gun)65p1
Guinea Mobile (gunm)101p1
Guinea-Bissau (guib)95p1
Guyana (guy)65p1
Guyana Mobile (guym)101p1
Haiti (hai)56p1
Haiti Mobile (haim)92p1
Honduras (hon)50p1
Honduras Mobile (honm)86p1
Hong Kong (hk)19p1
Hong Kong Mobile (hkmo)45p1
Hungary (hun)19p2
Hungary Mobile (hunm)19p2
Iceland (ice)19p2
Iceland Mobile (icem)19p2
India (I S D N) (iind)178p1
India (ind)19p1
India Mobile (indm)52p1
Indonesia (ina)50p1
Indonesia Mobile (inam)86p1
Inmarsat (naa)1000p1
Inmarsat A Indian Ocean (nao)400p1
Inmarsat A Pacific Ocean (nao)400p1
Inmarsat B Pacific Ocean (nbo)400p1
Inmarsat Bgan (nbo)400p1
Inmarsat M Atlantic East (nma)400p1
Inmarsat M Pacific Ocean (nmo)400p1
Inmarsat Mini Atlantic East (nna)400p1
Inmarsat Mini Pacific Ocean (nno)400p1
Inmarsat-A Atl East Data (nad)1000p1
Inmarsat-A Atl West Data (nad)1000p1
Inmarsat-A Atlantic East (naa)1000p1
Inmarsat-A Atlantic West (naa)1000p1
Inmarsat-B Atlantic East (nba)400p1
Inmarsat-B Atlantic West (nba)400p1
Inmarsat-B S N A C (nac)1000p1
Inmarsat-M Atl East H S D (nna)400p1
Inmarsat-M Atl West (nma)400p1
Inmarsat-M Atl West H S D (nna)400p1
Inmarsat-M I Ocean H S D (nmo)400p1
Inmarsat-M Indian Ocean (nmo)400p1
Inmarsat-Mini Atl West (nna)400p1
Inmarsat-Mini Indian Ocean (nno)400p1
Inmarsat-Mini S N A C (nac)1000p1
Iran (irn)70p1
Iran Mobile (irnm)106p1
Iraq (irq)70p1
Iraq Mobile (irqm)106p1
Iridium 8816 (i816)306p1
Iridium 8817 (i817)306p1
Israel (I S D N) (iisr)89p1
Israel (isr)19p1
Israel Mobile (isrm)46p1
Italy (ita)19p2
Italy Mobile (itam)19p2
Jamaica (jam)20p1
Jamaica Mobile (jamm)56p1
Japan (jap)19p1
Japan Mobile (japm)44p1
Jordan (jor)65p1
Jordan Mobile (jorm)101p1
Kazakhstan (kaz)55p1
Kazakhstan Mobile (kazm)91p1
Kenya (ken)60p1
Kenya Mobile (kenm)96p1
Kiribati (kir)82p1
Kuwait (kuw)63p1
Kuwait Mobile (kuwm)99p1
Kyrgyzstan (kyr)56p1
Kyrgyzstan Mobile (kyrm)92p1
Laos (laos)81p1
Laos Mobile (laosm)117p1
Latvia (lat)19p2
Latvia Mobile (latm)19p2
Lebanon (leb)60p1
Lebanon Mobile (lebm)96p1
Lesotho (les)62p1
Lesotho Mobile (lesm)98p1
Liberia (lbr)61p1
Liberia Mobile (lbrm)97p1
Libya (lby)35p1
Libya Mobile (lbym)71p1
Liechtenstein (I S D N) (ilie)49p1
Liechtenstein (lie)19p2
Liechtenstein Mobile (liem)19p2
Liechtenstein Premium Rate (liep)52p1
Lithuania (lit)19p2
Lithuania Mobile (litm)19p2
Luxembourg (lux)19p2
Luxembourg Mobile (luxm)19p2
Macau (mca)56p1
Macau Mobile (mcam)92p1
Macedonia (mac)35p1
Macedonia Mobile (macm)71p1
Madagascar (mad)65p1
Madagascar Mobile (madm)101p1
Madeira (mda)19p2
Malawi (mlw)50p1
Malawi Mobile (mlwm)86p1
Malaysia (I S D N) (imly)122p1
Malaysia (mly)20p1
Malaysia Mobile (mlym)56p1
Maldives (mld)75p1
Maldives Mobile (mldm)111p1
Mali (mal)75p1
Mali Mobile (malm)111p1
Malta (mlt)19p2
Malta Mobile (mltm)19p2
Marshall Islands (mar)63p1
Martinique (mrt)19p2
Martinique Mobile (mrtm)19p2
Mauritania (maa)68p1
Mauritania Mobile (maam)104p1
Mauritius (mas)60p1
Mauritius Mobile (masm)96p1
Mayotte (may)19p2
Mayotte Mobile (maym)19p2
Mexico (mex)20p1
Mexico Mobile (mexm)56p1
Micronesia (mic)75p1
Moldova (mol)48p1
Moldova Mobile (molm)84p1
Monaco (mon)19p1
Monaco Mobile (monm)52p1
Mongolia (mng)75p1
Mongolia Mobile (mngm)111p1
Montenegro (mtg)35p1
Montenegro Mobile (mtgm)71p1
Montserrat (mnt)52p1
Montserrat Mobile (mntm)88p1
Morocco (mor)32p1
Morocco Mobile (morm)68p1
Mozambique (moz)65p1
Mozambique Mobile (mozm)101p1
Myanmar (mya)98p1
Myanmar Mobile (myam)134p1
Namibia (nam)62p1
Namibia Mobile (namm)98p1
Nauru (nar)65p1
Nepal (nep)20p1
Nepal Mobile (nepm)56p1
Netherlands (nl)19p2
Netherlands Mobile (nlmo)19p2
Netherlands Premium Rate (nlp)43p1
New Caledonia (nc)59p1
New Caledonia Mobile (ncmo)95p1
New Zealand (I S D N) (nz)19p1
New Zealand (nz)19p1
New Zealand Mobile (nzmo)46p1
Nicaragua (nic)60p1
Nicaragua Mobile (nicm)86p1
Niger (nig)60p1
Niger Mobile (nigm)86p1
Nigeria (ngr)62p1
Nigeria Mobile (ngrm)98p1
Niue (niue)93p1
Norfolk Island (nfki)61p1
North Korea (krn)70p1
Northern Mariana Islands (nmar)58p1
Norway (I S D N) (inor)19p2
Norway (nor)19p2
Norway Mobile (norm)19p2
Oman (omn)65p1
Oman Mobile (omnm)101p1
Pakistan (pak)20p1
Pakistan Mobile (pakm)56p1
Palau (pal)70p1
Palestine (pls)30p1
Palestine Mobile (plsm)66p1
Panama (pan)59p1
Panama Mobile (panm)95p1
Papua New Guinea (png)47p1
Papua New Guinea Mobile (pngm)83p1
Paraguay (par)62p1
Paraguay Mobile (parm)98p1
Peru (per)40p1
Philippines (phi)30p1
Philippines Mobile (phim)66p1
Philippines Premium Rate (phip)71p1
Poland (I S D N) (ipol)19p2
Poland (pol)19p2
Poland Mobile (polm)19p2
Portugal (por)19p2
Portugal Mobile (porm)19p2
Puerto Rico (pr)19p1
Qatar (qat)60p1
Qatar Mobile (qatm)96p1
Reunion (reu)19p2
Reunion Mobile (reum)19p2
Romania (rom)19p2
Romania Mobile (romm)19p2
Russia (rus)25p1
Russia Mobile (rusm)61p1
Rwanda (rw)75p1
Rwanda Mobile (rwmo)111p1
San Marino (sm)19p2
Sao Tome & Principe (stp)88p1
Sao Tome And Principe Mobile (stpm)124p1
Saudi Arabia (sau)55p1
Saudi Arabia Mobile (saum)55p1
Senegal (sen)85p1
Senegal Mobile (senm)121p1
Serbia (ser)32p1
Serbia Mobile (serm)68p1
Seychelles (sey)83p1
Seychelles Mobile (seym)119p1
Sierra Leone (sl)75p1
Sierra Leone Mobile (slmo)75p1
Singapore (sin)19p1
Singapore Mobile (sinm)52p1
Sint Maarten (stm)19p2
Slovak Republic Mobile (slvm)19p2
Slovakia (slv)19p2
Slovenia (slo)19p2
Slovenia Mobile (slom)19p2
Solomon Islands (sol)63p1
Somalia (som)76p1
Somalia Mobile (somm)112p1
South Africa (sa)25p1
South Africa Mobile (samo)61p1
South Korea (krs)25p1
South Korea Mobile (krsm)61p1
Spain (spa)19p2
Spain Balearics (spab)19p2
Spain Mobile (spam)19p2
Sri Lanka (sri)65p1
Sri Lanka Mobile (srim)101p1
St Helena (sth)75p1
St Kitts & Nevis (skn)49p1
St Kitts & Nevis Mobile (sknm)85p1
St Lucia (slc)20p1
St Lucia Mobile (slcm)56p1
St Pierre & Miquelon (spm)34p1
St Pierre & Miquelon Mobile (spmm)70p1
St Vincent & Grenadines (svg)53p1
St Vincent & Grenadines Mobile (svgm)89p1
Sudan (sud)45p1
Sudan Mobile (sudm)81p1
Suriname (sur)78p1
Suriname Mobile (surm)114p1
Swaziland (swa)54p1
Swaziland Mobile (swam)90p1
Sweden (swd)19p2
Sweden Mobile (swdm)19p2
Switzerland (swz)19p1
Switzerland Geneva (swz)19p1
Switzerland Mobile (swzm)44p1
Syria (syr)60p1
Syria Mobile (syrm)96p1
Taiwan (I S D N) (itai)178p1
Taiwan (tai)20p1
Taiwan Mobile (taim)56p1
Tajikistan (taj)55p1
Tajikistan Mobile (tajm)91p1
Tanzania (tan)60p1
Tanzania Mobile (tanm)96p1
Thailand (tha)35p1
Thailand Mobile (tham)71p1
Thuraya Satellite Call (thu)400p1
Togo (tog)81p1
Togo Mobile (togm)117p1
Tokelau (tok)82p1
Tonga (tng)82p1
Tonga Mobile (tngm)118p1
Trinidad & Tobago (tt)20p1
Trinidad & Tobago Mobile (ttmo)56p1
Tunisia (tun)35p1
Tunisia Mobile (tunm)71p1
Turkey (I S D N) (itrk)20p1
Turkey (trk)20p1
Turkey Mobile (trkm)56p1
Turkmenistan (tur)61p1
Turkmenistan Mobile (tur)61p1
Turks & Caicos Islands (tc)51p1
Turks & Caicos Islands Mobile (tcmo)87p1
Tuvalu (tuv)85p1
Tuvalu Mobile (tuvm)121p1
U S A (usa)19p1
U S A - (I S D N) (usa)19p1
U S A Tollfree (usa)19p1
U S Virgin Islands (usvi)19p1
Uganda (uga)45p1
Uganda Mobile (ugam)81p1
Ukraine (ukr)45p1
Ukraine Mobile (ukrm)81p1
United Arab Emirates (uae)45p1
United Arab Emirates Mobile (uaem)81p1
Uruguay (uru)55p1
Uruguay Mobile (urum)91p1
Uzbekistan (uzb)57p1
Uzbekistan Mobile (uzbm)93p1
Vanuatu (van)69p1
Vanuatu Mobile (vanm)105p1
Vanuatu Premium Rate (vanp)105p1
Vatican City (vat)19p2
Venezuela (ven)20p1
Venezuela Mobile (venm)20p1
Vietnam (vie)85p1
Vietnam Mobile (viem)85p1
Virgin Islands (U K) (bvi)19p1
Virgin Islands (U K) Mobile (bvim)19p1
Wallis & Futuna (wf)52p1
Western Samoa (wsam)75p1
Western Samoa Mobile (wsamm)111p1
Yemen (yem)74p1
Yemen Mobile (yemm)110p1
Zambia (zam)55p1
Zambia Mobile (zamm)55p1
Zimbabwe (zim)45p1
Zimbabwe Mobile (zimm)45p1
Dial 159 to stop fraud (159) (free)0p4
Call Minder Return Call (free)0p4
Call Return (free)0p4
Cli Retrieval Erase (free)0p4
Dial 159 to stop fraud (free)0p4
Reminder Call (ssrc)40p3
Ringback When Free (ssrb)40p3
Local rated
National rated
Channel Isles
Guernsey (isles)19p1
Isle Of Man (isles)19p1
Jersey (isles)19p1
Premium Rate (101) (free)0p4
Emergency Service (111) (free)0p4
Emergency Service (112) (free)0p4
Emergency Service (119) (free)0p4
Emergency Call (999) (free)0p4
Emergency Call (999) (free)0p4
Emergency Call (free)0p4
Emergency Service (free)0p4
Operator Services (free)0p4
Directory services
Visually Impaired Dq (195) (free)0p4
Inmarsat-M H S D (nmo)400p1
Inmarsat-M S N A C (nac)1000p1
Free calls
Voice Text Service (18000) (free)0p4
Voice Text Service (18001) (free)0p4
Voice Text Service (18001080) (free)0p4
Voice Text Service (18002) (free)0p4
Voice Text Service (18002080) (free)0p4
Free Phone (free)0p4
International Freephone (free)0p4
Customer services
Customer Service (cust)1p1
Customer Service Fax (cust)1p1
Technical Support (cust)1p1
Special rate 08
Voice Text Service (180020800) (free)0p4
Voice Text Service (180020808) (free)0p4
Specialised services
Power Cut Helpline (105) (free)0p4
Specialised Services (116) (free)0p4
05 Specialised Services (g06)5p1
05 Specialised Services (g21)5p1
Voice Text Service (free)0p4
Speaking clock
Speaking Clock (123) (time)49p3
Reverse charge
Reverse Charge Call (rev)559p5
National ISDN
National (I S D N) (f)30p1
Call times - All calls are charged at the same rate 24hrs a day every day of the year
1Charged in 60 second units. Minimum call duration of 60 seconds. 10p call setup charge. Calls rounded up to next 1p.
2Charged in 60 second units. Minimum call duration of 60 seconds. Calls rounded up to next 1p.
3Minimum call charge of 4p. Charged in 1 second units. Minimum call duration of 1 seconds. Calls rounded up to next 1p.
4Charged in 1 second units. Minimum call duration of 1 seconds. Calls not rounded and calcualated to 1/10p.
5Charged in 60 second units. Minimum call duration of 60 seconds. 333.33p call setup charge. Calls rounded up to next 1p.

Version: 01.01.2021